Ice Boat

How to Buy an Ice Boat? Tetex and most extreme winter sports!

What is an Ice Boat? Featuring large sails and small hulls, ice boats have a unique design. They consist of a perpendicular cross piece, known as the runner plank, which is attached to the hull....

Winter Wingsuit Flight… Why not?!

What is Wingsuit Flying? Based on skydiving, wingsuit flying is an extreme sport requiring skill as well as bravery. If you have ever seen skydivers who look like flying bats you may already have seen...
Snokart Kart 6 2016 Ski And Snowboard Travel Bag System

How to Choose a Ski Bag

Ski Bag for everyone If you are going skiing one of the main concerns is that all your equipment will arrive at your destination in one piece.  There may be a temptation to choose ski...
Coverking® - Mosom Plus™ Custom Car Cover

How to Choose the Best Car Cover?

What are the Benefits of a Car Cover? Choosing a car cover may not be top on your list of priorities but if you care about how your car looks it should be. Car covers...
No time to waste! Quick assembly is one of its many

Make it christmas bubble – make invisible visable!

Christmas Bubble Tent - the transparent dome is the newest way to create an invisible transparent space for all kinds of events, fairs, metting places and etc. Thank to mobile construction, lightness and easy instalation...